sharepoint list view filter web part icon

Product Introduction

With SharePoint List View Filter you can easily and effectively filter items in a SharePoint List View. SharePoint’s out of the box view filter feature is very weak as it only supports users to filter items by descending and ascending order, or by a quite general list of options. What’s more is that the filter condition is only applied to the current page of the SharePoint list view. Most people may become unglued when it comes to filtering some specific information from a large amount of items that are displayed in a SharePoint list view. Then the question arises: how to filter items easily and effectively? Here we introduce you SharePoint List View Filter to solve this issue. This SharePoint software is compatible with SharePoint 2016, 2013 and 2010.

sharepoint list view filter web part text filed

SharePoint Text Field

For SharePoint Text field, SharePoint’s List View Filter provides you three SharePoint filter conditions you can set up: Starts With, Contains, and Equals With. For example, presuming that you want to see items that starts with “Tom” and contains "Jack", just set the SharePoint filters based on the conditions this SharePoint software provided, and then all the related items which meet any of the above conditions within the list view will be displayed.
sharepoint list view filter web part numeric field

SharePoint Numeric Field

For SharePoint Numeric fields, SharePoint List View Filter offers users three types of SharePoint filter conditions: Equals With, Not Equals With, and From To. Taking "From To" condition as an example, you can find items from "10" to "100", or find items greater than "10" by setting the SharePoint filter as From "10", and if you only want items less than "100", all you need to do is to set the SharePoint filter as To "100".
sharepoint list view filter web part date field

SharePoint Date Field

Regarding to SharePoint Date fields, now users have more control than before by filtering with Today, This Week, This Month, Last Week, Last Month, and From To. Assuming that a salesman needs to check the sales of Last Week, using SharePoint List View Filter, he can get all the items with a single click.

What’s more

SharePoint’s out of the box view filter feature is only applied to the current page of the List View; however, the filter conditions of SharePoint List View Filter are applied to the whole list View. And the SharePoint List View Filter is fully compatible with the SharePoint’s out of the box view filter feature.

How to Set Up This Feature?
1. Go to List Setting
2. Click List View Filter Settings (Powered by BluePower)
3. Set up the SharePoint filter conditions according to your requirements


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