sharepoint email column creation


You can search this product on Microsoft AppSource, and then install it from there. When you enable this app during installation, it is recommended to select Enable this app and add it to all sites.
Entry point for Excel Tool

Entry Point

To access this tool, you need to find its entrance on the list menu for the list into which you want to import data.
select excel file

Select a file to import

  1. After launching the solution, you'll be presented with the list name and item count. Below this, there's an area for selecting the Excel/CSV file you wish to import, either by dragging and dropping the file or by clicking on the reactangle area.
  2. If the file has multiple sheets, you may need to select one of them before going forward.
  3. After you selected a file, it would start reading it and the data would be presented on a table.
fields mapping

Map the columns

  1. In the area of "Columns Mapping", you can create a map between columns from the Excel/CSV file and the columns from your SharePoint list. And here is a list of the column type we support,
    1. Single Line of Text
    2. Multiple Lines of Text
    3. Number
    4. Yes/No
    5. Person or Group (Need to use valid email addresses)
    6. Lookup
    7. Date
    8. Choice
    9. Hyperlink
    10. Currency
data importing

Data Import

  1. After all the configuration is set up, you may start importing.
  2. After the data import is finished, you can click on the area other than the dialog to go back to your SharePoint List.

Data Export (Working on it...)

  1. Export data from multiple SharePoint lists into a single Excel/CSV file
  2. Choose the columns you want to export
  3. Customize the data format during the export process


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